Wednesday, June 9, 2010


A few things on shakes.

1. Shakes are awesome. I have one almost every day for a snack.

2. I mix some kind of fruit (frozen bananas are always in there, plus maybe bluebs or strawbs or cantaloupe - YUM), egg whites in place of protein powder (the kind in the carton from Whole Foods - I go through WAY too many of these a week...I don't use protein powder b/c it has a ton of calories and I've never really found one I like, although Matt Fitzgerald suggests whey protein is best), some kind of veg (spinach, swiss chard, kale, cuc), Honest Tea unsweetened green tea, water, ice and shake ever.

3. Here is a great little list for making your own best shake ever:

4. Wonji Juice just opened up a little juice bar at the Whole Foods in Glover Park. I tried a Green Goddess yesterday - kale, parsley, cucs, broccoli, pear, pineapple & lemon. It was greenlish-ous. I am thinking about getting a juicer. Seems to be the thing to do these days.


Anonymous said...


stength conditioning:

you're welcome

margit said...

why thank ya! i am also quite partial to