I had the pleasure of doing my first Kelly Acres ride on Saturday. It was a blast - solid time on the bike with a good group and a nice little climb thrown in near the end. My legs held up pretty well, but I felt bonk-tastic for most of the first two hours or more (even having eaten FOUR gels - come on, now? WTF). We stopped at a gas station right around that 2 hour mark, and I ate an almond Snickers bar. Definitely playing with fire. At no point in recent memory have I been able to stomach any form of candy bar. But I threw caution to the wind (after reading the ingredients and deciding it actually wasn't the worst combination of all time, as I had originally assumed). Turns out, I felt fan-friggin-tastic for the remainder of the ride. I was able to carry on a conversation and hang out on the front for a bit with our fearless leader, and instantly felt a million times better. It is clear I need more sugar in my life.
When I find things that work once, I figure they will work again. I planned to eat another Snickers before today's cx race @ Winchester, but there was no time for gas station shenanegans before the race. As such, I opted for one as my post-race nutrition on the way home. 5 grams of protein and 24 grams of sugar - almost a 4:1 ratio, even! Once again, my stomach cooperated. Shocking, really. Something very interesting is going on. Not sure what, and certainly don't want to jinx it. But the tum has been acting like a total gem the past few days. I digress. Winchester was fantastic. First cx race of the season for me - perfect weather, a lovely roadie-friendly course (only two dismounts) and a nice-sized women's 4 field. Really can't ask for anything more.
After KA on Saturday, the B and I paid a visit to the mickimood booth at the Del Ray arts fair. Don & Michelle Saroff do REALLY nice work. We bought a fabulous bowl from the Peppermint Series - absolutely love it. Nice work, those two. One day I want pottery to be my hobby. At this juncture, however, the purchase of a kiln does not seem a likely item for the to do list.
Finally - I got p90x in the mail yesterday. Training 2x per week starts on Tuesday. I am prepared to be sore.
Heard you came in third yesterday, congrats!! Keep on eating snickers, maybe that is what *I* need...
Have you tried almond flour or some of the other gluten-free flours? I have a recipe for almond flour pancakes. Admittedly not as good as homemade buttermilk pancakes, but as good as any mix. Check out these:
@titania - thank you! snickers definitely injected some serious life into me at KA. not sure it would work every time, but a great way to immediately replace glycogen stores.
@uffda - i have not...but agreed, almond flour would make perfect sense. enjoyed the kvetching today! xo
coconut flour is tasty as well
great in waffles
mmm snickers. jealous.
@anon - i DIG the sound of that. noted.
@siegs - miss your face! have a snickers, i won't tell rog.
I got this on email today, made me think of you:
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