Thursday, September 30, 2010

Good Matt Fitzgerald Read...and Pumpkin!

Sports Nutrition Made Easy...for women, but definitely applicable for mens too:

In other news, Harris Teeter has 2 for $5 canned organic pumpkin! Planning to try on a pumpkin smoothie for size, as well as some pumpkin pancakes. I'm thinking eggs, sunflower seed butter, pumpkin and cinnamon for the 'cakes. P'raps a banana if I feel so inclined. Will report back. Sunflower seed butter, for the record, is the best thing since sliced gluten-free bread.

Farmer’s Market Organic Pumpkin

The move is finally complete. We officially live in the 'burbs now. Shirlington. I like it! And I now shop at Harris Teeter, not Whole Foods. I bought 10 cans of salmon for $10!! That is quite a steal. I am sure it has higher levels of mercury...or something. I will miss you, Whole Foods. But I will like having an extra $500/month in my bank account.

I don't really ride my bike all that often these days. But I am signed up for Winchester. Eek.

My brain is fried. I'm sure that's evident in the disjointed, 3-word sentences in this post.

We actually moved ourselves - as in, no movers. I am unfamiliar with this concept. However, it would appear people move themselves all the time. It is horrible. I do not recommend it. I like movers. We live on the third floor with no elevator. It was harder than any Goon or Contes ride I have ever done. It took 2 full weeks.

P90X starts on Monday. I broke down and ordered it, after researching a bit online. Didn't find much beyond p90x. Those cats know how to market their product, I'll give them that. To start, I'm going to do 2x a week, and build to 3. I am excited to get back into strength training. It's been awhile, and I have to build up some leg strength to get me up and down these three flights of stairs 5 times a day. Whooo-wheee! Workout city here in Shirlington.

Ciao for now.


Titania said...

Mmmmm. Pumpkin. I want pumpkin pie.

Wow. You moved yourselves, you guys get all of my respect for that. You survived the move, you'll survive anything, methinks.

I'll see you at Winchester! you'll kick my ass, I am sure.

margit said...

we'll find if the move counts as cross training on sunday :) see you there girl!

Anonymous said...

I hate HT. I hit the Clarendon WF or Trader Joe's--both aren't that far from you but do require driving.

I saw pumpkin, thought of carrots and then said CARROT CAKE WITH CREAM CHEESE FROSTING.

I have never had movers move me until this apartment and even then, I just had them unload the pod. I paid them $100 and they were done in an hour and it was the best $100 I've spent. NO WAY am I moving myself again. I'll pack everything in boxes, but carrying all that, um, NO.

margit said...

can we have carrot cake with cream cheese frosting for breakfast on monday?? xo

Lauren said...

Pretty excited to race with you at Winchester... even though I have not been on the bike since Ed Sander. And don't have mud tires.

If you want to be really jacked, you've gotta do all of the days of P90X. But then you will be constantly sore and unable to ride your bike :P

Looks like long-sleeve jersey weather on Sunday...

margit said...

ditto buddy - can't wait to see those cx skills!

def don't want to be jacked. but def need some motivation to strength train. maybe this tony individual will do some good.

just bought a new UA base layer! they have nicer stuff these days. pleased.

see you sun.

Abby said...

I'm sure you know Snickers makes an "energy bar" called "Marathon" bars. My friend Angela is a nutritionist, and she suggests that when all else fails with gels/bars/sports nutrition stuff, just go with your favorite candy, because it's essentially the same thing! Sugar to the bloodstream.

And... P90X???? This is my plan for my off season!!! Want to work out???

margit said...

@abby - i have seen the marathon bars! but they actually have way more ingredients than the normal snickers, so i opted for the latter...less is more, me thinks. yes, let's DEF p90x it up! it kicked my ass already this morning. ugh.