In other news, Harris Teeter has 2 for $5 canned organic pumpkin! Planning to try on a pumpkin smoothie for size, as well as some pumpkin pancakes. I'm thinking eggs, sunflower seed butter, pumpkin and cinnamon for the 'cakes. P'raps a banana if I feel so inclined. Will report back. Sunflower seed butter, for the record, is the best thing since sliced gluten-free bread.
The move is finally complete. We officially live in the 'burbs now. Shirlington. I like it! And I now shop at Harris Teeter, not Whole Foods. I bought 10 cans of salmon for $10!! That is quite a steal. I am sure it has higher levels of mercury...or something. I will miss you, Whole Foods. But I will like having an extra $500/month in my bank account.
I don't really ride my bike all that often these days. But I am signed up for Winchester. Eek.
My brain is fried. I'm sure that's evident in the disjointed, 3-word sentences in this post.
We actually moved ourselves - as in, no movers. I am unfamiliar with this concept. However, it would appear people move themselves all the time. It is horrible. I do not recommend it. I like movers. We live on the third floor with no elevator. It was harder than any Goon or Contes ride I have ever done. It took 2 full weeks.
P90X starts on Monday. I broke down and ordered it, after researching a bit online. Didn't find much beyond p90x. Those cats know how to market their product, I'll give them that. To start, I'm going to do 2x a week, and build to 3. I am excited to get back into strength training. It's been awhile, and I have to build up some leg strength to get me up and down these three flights of stairs 5 times a day. Whooo-wheee! Workout city here in Shirlington.
Ciao for now.